We are now offering LOCALLY BRED juveniles of this spectacular cichlid. These fish are bred by an expert breeder and delivered directly to our facility, which eliminates the otherwise much more stressful and extensive inbound shipment. This is particularly beneficial with this species, which can be sensitive in lengthy shipment.
The Black Calvus Cichlid (Altolamprologus compressiceps) is a very impressive cichlid that is native to the shores of Lake Tanganyika in Africa. This medium-sized species is relatively long-lived and compatible with several other Tanganyikan cichlids in a spacious tank. It has become very popular in the aquarium hobby over the past several years, but it requires patience to raise and breed due to its slow growth rate. It is a substrate spawner that lays its eggs in shells and caves.
The Black Calvus Cichlid will thrive in an aquarium with plenty of rocks and caves as well as plenty of open swimming space. It should also be provided with several empty shells, which do not necessarily have to be the Neothauma tanganyicense species. This cichlid does not do much digging in the substrate, so plants are generally safe in the same aquarium. This species is not extremely aggressive in general, but it will defend the territory around its chosen area. Territoriality is typically at its peak during spawning. Dwarf shrimp and other small, delicate invertebrates should not be kept with the Black Calvus Cichlid . If spawning is desired, tankmates of other species should be kept to a minimum or avoided altogether unless the aquarium is of considerable size with ample cover/decor. The male will sometimes eat the fry, so spawning shells or caves must be too small for the male to enter.
Feeding is simple for the unfussy Black Calvus Cichlid. High-quality frozen and live meaty foods will be readily accepted, and tank-bred specimens also often accept dry foods. Quality and variety are the keys to a diet that will ensure that this fish maintains optimal health and coloration, so this species should not be fed dry foods exclusively. In the wild, it feeds mostly on eggs and smaller fish and fry.
We are currently offering juvenile specimens of this magnificent fish!
What We Like About This Fish:
- Beautiful color variant
- Small to medium size for a cichlid
- Possible to breed in the aquarium
- Compatible with many other species in a spacious tank
- Potential to be a "centerpiece" fish
- Temperature: 76° - 81° F (24° - 27° C)
- pH: 7.5 - 9.0
- KH: 8 - 20 dKH
- Minimum tank size: 15-20 gallons for a pair, 55+ gallons for a group
- Diet: Carnivorous. A variety of high-quality dry, frozen, and live meaty foods is necessary for optimal health and coloration.
- Social behavior: Loosely social until sexual maturity. Breeding pairs are often aggressive to all other fish in their territory.
- Origin: Locally Bred, but indigenous to Lake Tanganyika, Africa
- Average adult size: 5 inches (12.7 cm) for males. Females are much smaller
- Average purchase size: .5 - 1 inch (1.3 - 2.5 cm)