The Koi Tuxedo Guppy is a great color variation of the scientifically also called Poecilia reticulata ornamental fish. The wild form comes from South America and is one of the most popular fish in the hobby at all. Especially its simple and uncomplicated keeping, but also the easy breedability, which has not for nothing earned me the nickname "million fish", make it so desirable.
The Koi Tuxedo has a red head and red fins with a black base color. The males are usually more intensely colored than the females and have larger fins. They also have a gonopodium converted to a mating organ, which is a pen-shaped anal fin. Females grow slightly larger and have a more sail-shaped anal fin. They can still fertilize themselves a few times, which is why there can still be offspring even in an all-girl community. They give birth to up to 20 live young every 3 weeks, which is why they are also called viviparous toothcarps.
Offer your favorites a tank from 54 liters, you can also keep different Guppy colors together, but it may be that they cross and thus a colorful miracle bag of offspring comes out. Offer your animals dense planting in places, so that young animals and annoyed females can retreat a little, but still make sure there is enough swimming space. In their water values they are relatively undemanding, as long as it is well maintained.
You can also socialize your Koi Tuxedo with other fish, but you should refrain from Endler Guppies, because they hybridize. Tetras, danios or catfish are suitable, also mollies or platies can be kept together with them. Dwarf shrimps are also suitable, but it is possible that careless juveniles will be eaten. However, it is better to avoid crayfish, because they can catch the guppy sleeping on the bottom.
As omnivores, the guppies eat conventional dry and flake food, you can also use ornamental fish food for omnivores. From time to time they will also tug at algae or over-broiled vegetables. You can spice up their menu with live and frozen food.