The Garra gotyla, also known as the Pedicure Fish, is popular in more than just the aquarium hobby. It is famous for its ability to graze on dead skin cells on humans, so it is used in many clinics that treat psoriasis and other human skin problems. In these clinics, patients dip their limbs into the water and the Doctor Fish swarm to graze on the patient’s dead skin. In the aquarium, this fish is an interesting scavenger and grazer that is compatible with a variety of tank mates.
A member of the loach family, the Garra inhabits most of the rivers of India. It prefers flowing water and will often swim directly against the current of a filter output or power head. Another key to success is a secure lid or canopy on the aquarium, as this fish is a skilled jumper and climber.
Garra gotyla will graze on biofilm that grows on driftwood, rocks, and plants, so it is an excellent inhabitant for well-lit planted aquariums. It will also eat many fresh fruits and vegetables and should also be supplemented with meaty foods, both dry and frozen.
What We Like About This Fish:
- Interesting personality
- Generally peaceful
- Grazes biofilm from surfaces
- Excellent for Aquariums and Ponds for Algae eating
- Temperature: 57° - 68° F (18° - 32° C)
- pH: 6.0 - 8.0
- KH: 6 - 10 dKH
- Minimum tank size: 30 gallons for a small group
- Diet: Omnivorous. Accepts high quality dry and frozen foods and needs a balance of both plant-based and meaty foods.
- Social behaviour: Generally peaceful. Lives in loose groups but may fight with its own kind and similar fish in smaller tanks.