Badis assamensis also commonly known as the Chameleon Fish, is a nano-sized member of the perch family indigenous to the Ganges River system of India. The “chameleon fish” name refers to the unique ability of this fish, particularly adult males, to dramatically change colors during breeding and territorial behavior. The initial color in juveniles is mottled brown, tan, and red vertical striping. As the Badis assamensis reaches maturity, males will often display more intense red and iridescent red coloration on its fins.
Badis assamensis is a micropredator requiring a diet of meaty foods. Many specimens will not accept dry flake and pellet foods, so live and frozen foods should be regularly offered. In nature, this fish eats various small worms, small crustaceans, insects and insect larvae. In the aquarium, glassworms, enriched Artemia, and Daphnia will make an excellent staple diet. Bloodworms and Tubifex worms can be fed on occasion, but should not be fed as a regular diet since they can lead to obesity problems with this species.
The aquarium of the Badis assamensis should include plenty of rockwork and driftwood. This fish is a cave spawner, so it is also a good idea to shape some décor into cave-like structures. During spawning, the male will guard the eggs and newly-hatched fry, but any adults should be removed thereafter if you want to avoid cannibalism of the fry by the parents.
The Badis assamensis will thrive in a planted aquarium with relatively mild to moderate water flow and is generally peaceful with other species of fish. Though it is a predator, its small size makes it safe with all but the very tiniest fish. It can be housed with some invertebrates such as snails and larger shrimp, but it may eat most Caridina and Neocaridina shrimp. It may hybridize with other Badis species, although it is unlikely to do so with the Scarlet Badis (Dario dario) due to the size difference.
- Iridescent blue and red coloration in males during courtship and territorial behavior
- Peaceful disposition with most fish
- Hardy and adaptable
- Very active in middle and lower levels of the aquarium
- Temperature: 59° - 77° F (15° - 25° C)
- pH: 6.0 - 7.5
- KH: 10 - 15 dKH
- Minimum tank size: 20 gallons
- Diet: Meaty foods, especially frozen foods such as Daphnia and Artemia, Bloodworms and Tubifex worms on occasion only. Dry foods will often be ignored.