What a fantastic fish species! They are truely stunning with their long flowing barbs. These fish do require a larger set up with plenty of plants so navigate around creates a lovely environment for them to thrive in.
They require a nice, well oxygenated tank with good clean water. We suggest a large filter which will create a good amount of flow across the whole tank.
These fish are a great shoaling species and should be brough in groups of 6 or more. They really shouldnt be brought in smaller numbers.
Try to avoid smaller fish species to share the tank with and they can be known to nip.
Species – Dario dangila.
Current Size – 5-7cm
Adult Length – 12-15cm
Temperature Range – 21 - 24°C
pH Range – 6.8 – 7.8
Special Requirements - These danio prefer subdued lighting with plenty of plants.
Tanks Mates and Compatibility – They are a community fish but they make poor companions for any fish that prefers a quiet and calm environment. They are ideal with other robust community fish such as other danios, barbs amd well as loaches and catfish.